

Announcement and invitation

The International Conference on Gender Action and Climate Change will be held at Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) in collaboration with the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS), UNESCO, OWSD Turkey National Chapter, IAU Environment and Human Health Center, Energy Politics and Markets Applied Research Center (EPPAM), and IAU UNESCO Chair in Education and Sustainaility Peace. We have organized the international meetings and the panel to provide avenues for proper understanding of real world problems providing some solutions in Science.

Aim of the Conference

In order to continue the successful tradition of this Conference by giving the opportunity to the participants to discuss major issues of importance for integrated gender action plans on climate changing problem in case studies of different scientific theoretical and applied disciplines. The conference is addressed to provide the state of the art in worldwide climate changing and action plan The conference would be the occasion of young scientists to meet and discuss their experience with internationally famous scientists by providing opportunity to get in contact with scientists from different countries and to discuss on possible joint new projects at the virtual conference. The peer-reviewed papers of all accepted presentations will be published in the conference proceeding book.

International Conference on Gender Action and Climate Change (IGCC2022) Final Declaration

Web Page: https://igcc2022.aydin.edu.tr/
Contact: [email protected]